
  1. About this site
    1. Dunlop Aircraft Tyres Limited is a manufacturer of new aircraft tyres and a retreader of worn aircraft tyres. Dunlop Aircraft Tyres Limited is a company registered in England (number 3226333) and the registered office is 40 Fort Parkway, Erdington, Birmingham, B24 9HL. The VAT registration number for Dunlop Aircraft Tyres Limited is 905274630.
    2. The pages of this website contain general information. Nothing in these pages constitutes specific advice. Dunlop Aircraft Tyres Limited makes no warranties, representations or undertakings about any of the content of this web site (including, without limitation, any as to the quality, accuracy, completeness or fitness for any particular purpose of such content); or any content of any other website accessed by hypertext link through this website. Dunlop Aircraft Tyres Limited does not endorse or approve the content of any 3rd party web site nor will Dunlop Aircraft Tyres Limited have any liability in connection with any of them. Any enquiries should be directed to our webmaster.
  2. What Information do we collect?
    1. We collect information from you if you complete any form on this web site. You will be asked to provide your name and the name and address of your company if applicable. You do not have to provide your address. Some information may be collected automatically by the host of the website. (See ‘What information is collected automatically’)
  3. What do we use personal information for?
    1. We use the personal information you provide when you complete and submit any one of the forms on this website to redirect a response from a member of staff or agent of Dunlop Aircraft Tyres Limited to you for the purposes of answering your question or comment. The information that you submit may be retained in Dunlop Aircraft Tyres Limited’s email or other computer system.
  4. What Information is collected automatically?
    1. We collect information about your visit to our site. Our external webhost may automatically log the IP address, a unique identifier for your computer or other access device. We will use this information to assess the number of visitors and the location of visitors to the web site. We may endeavour to track the path taken through the website and the referrer, e.g. search engine to the Dunlop Aircraft Tyres Limited website and carry out other analysis so that the website may be improved. The information that is collected is aggregated to provide summary statistics.
    2. Cookies are small text files that may be used by web sites to make a users visit more efficient. You can delete cookies on your computer by referring to your computer or software system manuals. Some systems may notify you when a web site tries to put a cookie on your computer.
  5. Sending Information Overseas
    1. In the course of answering a query transmitted to Dunlop Aircraft Tyres Limited from the Dunlop Aircraft Tyres Limited website, Dunlop Aircraft Tyres Limited might need to send your personal information overseas. Dunlop Aircraft Tyres will only do this where we think it may be of benefit to you and will take reasonable precautions to protect your information.
  6. Slavery & Human Trafficking
    1. Dunlop Aircraft Tyres recognises the responsibility it shares with its suppliers to promote decent working conditions and tackle forced labour in our operations and supply chains, as part of our strategy to act in a socially responsible manner. In pursuit of our aims, we require that all our operations, employees and suppliers comply with our Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy, which is based on the fundamental conventions of the: International Labour Organisation (ILO); the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights; and national and international laws. Dunlop Aircraft Tyres, its employees and suppliers shall ensure:
    2. No forms of human trafficking are in operation
    3. They do not use forced, bonded or involuntary prison labour within their business or their supply chains. Their workers are not required to lodge deposits or identity papers and are free to leave after a reasonable notice period.
    4. Workers are free from threat of violence, harassment and intimidation. No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed.
    5. Workers are free from coercion in wage payment and are paid directly in legal tender.
    6. Living national minimum legal wages are paid.
    7. Their workers have the right to join or form trade unions and to bargain collectively in accordance to national laws.
    8. Working conditions are safe and hygienic. Workers shall receive regular and recorded health and safety training and will be provided with necessary personal protective equipment.
    9. Disciplinary processes and measures shall be fair and in line with human factors and a just culture.
    10. Child labour shall not be used.
    11. Basic working hours shall not exceed 48 hours per week.
    12. No discrimination is practised in hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement due to race, caste, national origin, religion, age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, union membership or political affiliation.
    13. Regular employment is provided.
    14. Written contracts of employment shall be provided in a language a migrant worker can understand clearly indicating their rights.
    15. No bribery or inducement is permitted.
    16. Where third party or private employment agencies are used these providers agree to the principles of this policy.
    17. Any concern or suspected wrong doing with respect to the above points is reported in a timely and secure manner using the email address:
    18. This policy and its contents will be reviewed on an annual basis or on significant changes to our business or legislation. We will make any such changes known to our operations, employees and suppliers.
    19. Dunlop Aircraft Tyres shall monitor and audit its operations and suppliers against the requirements of this policy and insist that it is a contractual duty and responsibility of all employees and suppliers to comply with this policy.
  7. Gender Pay Gap
    1. Download the Gender Pay Gap. Click Here